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Event Types

The ezto workflows currently offers support for six event types: Create User, Delete User, Create Role, Delete Role, Update Role, and Unassign Role. These events serve as key functionalities within the workflows, enabling actions related to user management.


The Workflows should be published alongside the corresponding event types, and the respective application must be subscribed in IAM.

Create User

Whenever a user in the IAM is assigned to a SSO role associated with workflows, a corresponding user profile will be created within the relevant application.

Delete User

If a user's SSO role associated to workflows is revoked within the IAM, the corresponding user profile will be removed from the specific application.

Create Role

When the Create Role event type is published for a specific application in the workflow. The published workflow event will be triggered once the associated IAM role has been created and linked to the application. This ensures that the workflow progresses only after the necessary role has been established and integrated with the application.

Below is a representation of the role creation process in IAM.

Create Role

Update Role

When the Update Role event type is published for a specific application in the workflow. The published workflow event will be triggered once the associated IAM role is updated with permissions that is linked to the workflow application.

Update Role

Unassign Role

When the Unassign Role event type is published for a specific application in the workflow. The published workflow event will be triggered once the associated IAM role's permissions are revoked for the linked workflow user.

Delete Role

When the Delete Role event type is published for a particular application in the workflow, the associated workflow event will be triggered upon the deletion of the IAM role linked to that application.